Upstream is a low water cement bridge. Downstream on river right is plot MORG.12. On either side of the river on the upper terrace is a sycamore / tall herb forest. They are too weedy and thin to sample.;Flood battered shrub prairie growing on cobble and sand. Most of the taller trees are knocked over and growing horizontally downstream. There is flotsam hanging in branches above my head (9ft). The plot is on a sand and cobble deposit sand bar on river left. There are ares within the plot with dry cobble sandy areas with little vegetation. These "channels" run parallel with the river. The shrubs and most of the herbs are on the higher areas bedtween. Bits of asphalt flotsam were observed in the plot.
Small patch of a flood battered Sycamore / buttonbush / big blue stem cobble bar shrubland prairie. Plot is similar to patches sampled at NERI, GARI, BLUE, and MONF. This seems more diverse than usual.